This page will contain a number of Civil Registers and will be updated as time allows, each register is fully searchable on any of the fields and you can search for an aircraft by the Hex Code where we have been able to collect that information.

The US civil register and the associated de-registered aircraft files have had to be broken down into a number (9) of files, where the number following the H is the first number of the registration. Each record comprises the Registration, Manufacturer, Model, Owner, Con Number, Last Action Date and Hex Code.

To start a search, just type in your search terms, you can also constrain the search using the dropdown field selector on the right of the search bar. It should be noted that the download and print options are not available on these pages for the time being.


N1 - US Civil Register

N2 - US Civil Register

N3 - US Civil Register

N4 - US Civil Register

N5 - US Civil Register

N6 - US Civil Register

N7 - US Civil Register

N8 - US Civil Register

N9 - US Civil Register

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