Afganistan falls to the Taliban, hind sight is a wonderfull thing they say. But there have been many wars fought in that part of the world, Britain itself has lost at least three or four, the Soviet Union as was has lost one. What on earth made the rest of the world think that it could win one?

We now have a fully re-equipped Taliban – with much of the latest US tech. As a consequence, we are almost certain to see an upsurge in terrorist incidents around the world.

What about the ordinary people of Afganistan, well the price of freedom is high and the ordinary people are not currently prepared to pay it. In fact the Police, Army, Air Force and a number of other organisations are not prepared to pay the price. Likely caused by the fact that they themselves were not getting paid, with their waged being taken by corrupt officials.

From memory this was something that was supposed to have been tackled by the Afgan government, probably not many of the Billions of Dollars poured into Afganistan went where it was supposed to go.

So all told how many lives were lost, how many people were maimed – all for what?


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